My mom and I recently made our own wax melts for our warmers!
I love all of the uses of DoTerra essential oils and this was yet another way to eliminate some more chemicals from our home! DoTerra Oils are Certified Therapeutic Grade. You can safely ingest them, use them topically or diffuse them throughout your home. We use oils in our home for a lot of things, but compared to the things we COULD be using them for, our efforts are minimal. I put lavender in James' bath each night. Peppermint** makes my sciatica pain subside quicker than you can say "subside" and lemon and melaleuca are mixed with our Shaklee multi-purpose cleaner for a fresh, safe alternative to the neon-yellow bottle of Mr.Clean.
**peppermint is an oil known for decreasing milk supply. As I am still a nursing mama, I do not use this on a regular basis. I use it when nothing else will ease my pain and I am near the point of not being able to function.
Ok, Back to the wax melts... my mom purchased some Organic Bee's Wax off of Amazon and we slicked our hair back into pony-tails and pulled our goggles over our eyes.... just kidding.
We did however put the pellets into small bowls and melt them in the microwave... it took over ten minutes to melt one little dish worth and by the time my mom put her little bowl in, the microwave overheated and shut itself off.
In the future I will melt it in a pan on the stove!
I had already decided I wanted to do a Clove and Cinnamon scent, and I tossed in some On-Guard for it's benefits during cold & flu season.
I dropped, mixed, smelled, dropped, mixed and smelled till I got it just how I wanted it and then poured the wax into an ice cube tray and popped it in the freezer!
Easy as that! They did not last as long as I hoped, so I will be adding more oil next time (which would be easier if I knew how much I used for this batch... silly me didn't write it down!) I encourage you to make your own! If you have any questions about the process or would like information or to order some DoTerra oils let me know! I 'de love to chat! :)
Thanks so much for sharing this. I love it! Going to try this myself.