I just realized that my most recent post was four days before Harper made her grand entrance.
Yesterday She turned SIX MONTHS old.
I have not blogged in over six months.
I have ALOT to fill in.
So lets just jump in where I left off!
** Reader warning, this has some personal, medical detail that not everyone wants to read!**
On of my biggest fears when moving to our tiny town what that there is no hospital. I kid you not, two people have given birth in cars between here and the closest hospitals in the last two years... I mean, come on!
To top it off, the roads around us are not maintained from 9pm-5am during winter months, meaning, that if we are getting snowed on, you aren't going to make it! The pass we cross is just below 10,000 feet and we live at nearly 7,000 snow. will. happen. It is simply a matter of WHEN.
My prayer was just that we would have clear, safe roads to get to the hospital if we had to rush!
lets rewind to Sunday, February 8th:
Church was awesome, normal sunday I lead worship and taught kids church.
Sadly, One of the first members of our church passed away. We did not know her well, but our town did and we were asked to be part of her memorial service. I was leading worship and organizing food for 150 people and my husband was speaking. My words to the women's daughter on Monday evening were clear, "Don't worry, I'm only 37 weeks this week, we WON'T have a baby between now and thursday."
We loaded the boy in the backseat and headed to my 37wk appointment on tuesday morning. We needed to go to my appointment and hit up the grocery store for food for the upcoming funeral.
My appointment went great! I was dilated to a 3, no fear of a baby entering too soon, off we went on our day! We decided to check out the Elk Refuge and let Mr J take his nap before we went to the store.
At the store we picked up 16 DOZEN rolls, condiments and paper goods. We loaded up the car and hit the road home. Driving across town, I said to Jimmy that I wasn't feeling "right"... nothing hurt... nothing major... just me, overreacting to the winter storms and roads...
I mean, come on, I was in Vegas a week ago with my mom, aunt and great grandma having a blast, James didn't show up for 42 ENTIRE weeks. I'm obviously just paranoid and need to calm down...
My fear and concern grew and I sat quietly in the passenger seat as we drove up the hill out of town and away from medical care.
All of a sudden Jimmy pulls off the road into a turn out and said "you need to call the doctor and see what they think. Ask if we can get in really fast just for some reassurance that you haven't progressed." of course I'm like...
"QUIT scaring me. we are BOTH overreacting. we are NOT having a baby. we have a two year old in the back seat, my parents aren't coming for 3 more weeks and I don't even know if I packed you extra underwear or a toothbrush!!"
I called. They said come in. Jimmy flipped the car around and stated "WE ARE HAVING A BABY TODAY"
Me: "whatever, crazy man."
Him: "no seriously, babe, I really feel like God is telling me its time and we are going to meet her today!"
I'm thinking".....well, in that case... you don't usually joke about things of the Lord, pastor........."
I walked into the clinic office and just repeatedly apologized for my overreaction... they assured me that I was not insane and, living 2 hours from the hospital it was TOTALLY FINE.
Little did we know that within 10 minutes we would be checking into the hospital!
My doctor came in. Said I was at a 4 and sent us over to get checked in!
At this point i was in a haze, we had a car full of food for a funeral we NEEDED to be at, we have our two year old son dancing in the back seat and I LITERALLY don't have my husbands toothbrush. WHAT DO I DO? I have a baby. thats what.
We called some (now) pastor friends and asked near strangers to come get our son for his first sleepover.
(shout out to our awesome network of pastors! You guys rock and I am SO thankful for the support, help and friendship we have in you all!!)
I kid you not, the first time I met this couple I was in a hospital bed in labor.
"Hi! Nice to meet you, I'm Paige, this is my husband Jim and here is my son, please don't kidnap him!"
After James was snuggled in for the night at his new friends house...
...we got to business. This is ACTUALLY happening. I was exactly 37 weeks, ONE day earlier, and she would be a preemie.
My first item of business was to get the anesthesiologist in my room STAT. ... I actually asked the gal checking me in if she could send in the order and she gently smiled and said my nurse needed to do that, all she was doing was getting my bracelets and insurance info... *face palm*
anywho, as soon as my nurses arrived I scheduled the epidural. i labored for 4.5 hours with James before I got an epidural and I had no desire to feel any of that pain this time around.
lets look at the timeline:
9am leave home
12am dr appt no baby
1pm elk refuge, wildlife viewing
2 pm grocery shopping
3 pm leaving town
4:30pm check into hospital
6pm epidural
so here we are, shocked that we are actually meeting our daughter tonight, trying to figure out what we need to do in the next 24 hours in regards to the funeral we are not able to attend or facilitate.
by 7pm I was progressing, but not too quickly.
9pm rolled around and I was around 6cm
10pm hits and I said I felt some pressure and the nurses kindly said I was at a 7....
"excuse me, nurse, I feel ALOT of pressure, could you check me?"
nurse: I just need to finish bringing in all of the machines and setting up.
"no. now. check me now."
nurse: sigh. checks me. "you are about 8cm"
NURSE, I need you to check again....
nurse: clearly a little frustrated by my constant need to know whats "going on"...
**runs out of room hollering that she's going to find the doctor**
I never ever thought I could or would progress so quickly!
by 11:15pm we were holding Miss Harper.
I could not believe how tiny she was! 5lbs 13oz is ALOT different than her 7lb 15oz brother was!
She was perfect.
I was able to hold her immediately, unlike her brother, and so grateful for that opportunity.
By 10am my in-laws were snuggling their new grandbaby and Jimmy and I were frantically delegating funeral tasks.
...reassured that everything was ok back home, we tried to settle in with our new baby.
She soon met her big brother.
I tested positive for Group B Strep, which, typically, is not a huge issue. They test the strain to see which antibiotic to give you and everyone is good to go... unless you go into labor too early and they don't have time to test the strain... AND you are allergic to alot of antibiotics...
I was given the "best guess" antibiotic and Harper was required to be observed for 48 hours post birth for any issues.
After being away from our son for nearly 3 days we were so excited to head home on Friday Morning... until they told us her billirubin levels were high and she needed phototherapy. SO we sat in the hospital, anxiously, for almost two more days...
FINALLY on Saturday evening Harper was released and we got to go pick up James and go HOME!
I was the longest, most tiring, exciting, exhausting, emotionally draining, happy, blessed week.
I still can't believe she came so early and that labor was so easy.
I still can't believe I let my son leave with strangers.
I still can't believe the wonderful friendship that has blossomed from those strangers willingness to fill a need and love, feed, bathe and clothe our kid.
I still can't believe she was so tiny and so healthy.
What I don't believe in are coincidences.
And what I can and do believe in, is that I God's hand is consistently through the circumstances and I am so thankful for his provision, protection and love!
It isn't coincidence that we meandered our way through the refuge looking at wildlife.
It isn't coincidence that these "strangers" are now our friends.
It isn't coincidence that I had all out hospital bags and necessities (except the tooth brush) in the car.
Thankful, Blessed and Relieved are only the beginning....
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