Earlier this week, we made a trip back home for James's two month appointment & shots and for my postpartum check up. This trip just confirmed even more how much James is growing and changing. A few short weeks ago when we moved to Minnesota, all our little man did was snooze in the backseat; he was careless and clueless to what we were doing and where we were headed, he just ate and napped. This is not the case any more! He was awake a lot of the time, which is nice to keep him on schedule. We have a great system going since implementing the
Babywise technique and if he sleeps all day, then guess who gets to stay up all night!? Instead, He played with Geoffrey and continually pulled his blankie over his face, and every time we pull down the cover on his car seat to block the sun from his face, he hunches over trying to see out. It's Adorable.
There was a severe thunder storm while we were home, we received five inches of rain, which in turn, flooded the roads back to Minnesota. We had to take the scenic route through South Dakota, which I thoroughly enjoyed, minus the 55mph speed limit. (why on earth do we need to go 55 on straight roads? I miss my 70mph Montana highways! ;) James needed to eat so, we decided to make a pit stop at
Nicollet Tower. After climbing the stairs, it is beyond obvious that our plan to start Insanity in September is necessary. My calves STILL hurt. Who has sore legs from climbing a few hundred stairs? I'm a sissy :) All in all, it was a great trip, I enjoyed taking the extra time with my little family of three and visiting somewhere we had never been before!
"Ya still there mom?"
"Yes, son, mama is still coming with!" :)

...proof of "the chins" and that I survived and faced my fear of heights!
Have a Happy day!