Saturday, October 12, 2013

| Halloween |

Despite the fact that James has no idea what is going on this Halloween, I decided to start gathering my decorations so when he DOES notice them and enjoy them, I will have a stash waiting to be brought out! Just like alot of my other projects, I bought nearly everything at the Dollar Tree! (SCORE!) Please excuse the cell phone pictures... I had to hurry and get these while James was asleep :)

Our black dining room table really fits in well with autumn decor, especially Halloween! I got the place mats at the Dollar Tree a few weeks ago. The black Jar I dug out of the closet and I ran out to the yard to grab some sticks. I draped them in spider web & creepy spiders from the Dollar Tree, as well!  

Our Door Monster was inspired by Pinterest. I grabbed three sheets of poster board from the dollar store (one red & two bright green), and two packs of paper plates (large round white & small round black). 
I measured and taped the two green pieces to be the width of our door and then cut in his jagged hair. I taped on his eyes made of the layered paper plates and cut a few teeth out of some printer paper we had already! Done! A unique door monster for $5!! 

What I love most about this is that you can make yours as unique as you are! You can use streamers or square plates and colored tape. You could make a bow tie... SO many possibilities.

This is our coffee station (for the time being, more on this little area at a later date!!) But for NOW it is for coffee. I love this saying...

This set of shelves is in our dining room, I bough the letter at WalMart and wound them in yarn I already had! I love, love, LOVE them! 

For the candy corn jars, I bought some balloons at the (you guessed it!) Dollar Tree! I cut off the top & bottom of them and stretched them over the jars! I have three! (one is holding all our spatulas in the kitchen!)

The small pumpkin, gourd & crow are also from the dollar store :) 

The leaf garland I made by hot gluing some leaves i bought last year to some yarn! Simple & pretty. 

All in all, this shelf cost me less than $10. I think THAT is something ANY husband would be happy to hear!!

This shelf is in our living room! I stole the mirror from our bedroom, threw one of the candy corn jars up, draped some more garland and stuck another crow to the antler! I bought the small gourd & pumpkin last year at the dollar store and painted them with the chevron pattern... I still LOVE LOVE LOVE them!! 

I can't wait for James to be old enough to have fun with decorating for all the holidays, but I think I might enjoy making out home halloweeny (is that a word? it is now.) just as much!

 And, hey, by the time he IS old enough to have fun with all the festivities, I will have it down to a science! SCORE! :) 

Happy decorating!!!


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